Seasons Psychology aspires to provide a safe and holistic space for client's on their journey of self discovery, awareness, insight and healing. We acknowledge the grace of change and the impermanence of life. As Nature's Seasons are forever changing, so are all things in our lives.
About Seasons
Seasons Psychology is lead by the belief that people hold their own internal wisdom and self-knowledge. Sometimes layered life experiences move us further away from self-trust causing distress. It is therefore the goal of Seasons Psychology to provide a space for healing, reconnection to self, and growth, in turn strengthening ones own resilience and enhancing their ability to live a fulfilled, abundant, empowered and prosperous life.
Jocelene has worked with an array of client presentations. She works from a holistic perspective and adapts her therapy to meet individual client needs. Jocelene continuously engages in self reflection, self care and professional development. This allows an enlightened space for clients on their own journey. Treatment provided aligns with evidence based practices which enables effective therapy and positive results.
Alongside intervention, Seasons Psychology offers a number of other services including risk assessments and psychological reports.